Consortium Forms & Sample Documents

Documents listed below are available in multiple file formats. Click on the link next to the requested document, for the appropriate file type.

Awarded Vendor Sheet: Word Doc

Bid Award Letter: Word Doc

Bid Boiler Plate: pdf Word Doc (updated Feb 2021)

Bid Boiler Plate Instructions: pdf

Bid Specification and Bid Form/Bid Sheet: pdf Word Doc

Bid Timeline (Regular): pdf Word Doc

Bid Timeline (DVBE): pdf Word Doc

Board Agenda Summary: Word Doc

Member Resolution Sample: pdf Word Doc

New Membership Cover Letter: pdf Word Doc

Notice of Pending Award Letter: pdf Word Doc

Payment Authorization (Fillable Form): pdf

Public Works Contract (Under $15,000): pdf  Word (updated Feb 2021)

Public Works Contract (Under $60,000 for CUPCCAA Districts ONLY): pdf word (updated Feb 2021)

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